
Free10+ Untold things about Waxing

Waxing is a semi-permanent form of hair removal. The process entails the use of warm wax and cloth strips to remove hair from the root. 

Unlike shaving which cuts hair at the surface of the skin, waxing removes the entire hair. This in turn leaves the skin hair-free until it’s time for new hair to grow. 

Waxing is available for virtually every area of the body so you can experience silky, smooth skin wherever you want. With a variety of treatment areas available, Lipstick Empire can help you say goodbye to razor burn, bumps and stubble and welcome smooth, touchable skin.

In this article, I’m going to illustrate the benefits and untold things about the waxing process.


Despite the pain that inevitably comes when removing the hair from the root, waxing offers many amazing benefits. The pros of waxing go beyond the simple fact that you’ll be smooth.


Book with us at lipstick empire where you have the assurance of a  silky, smooth skin with finer regrowth.

  • Your skin will be less prone to inflammation

Did you know that repeated shaving leads to chronic skin inflammation and discolouration?

This is a very common disadvantage of shaving that can be greatly relieved with waxing since the skin will be less exposed to repeated friction. Only one appointment a month gives assurance of less inflammation and skin discoloration


  • You will have less chance of ingrown hairs

Use of the right waxing method determines your chances of having ingrown hairs. This is hair that regrows in the skin causing red bumps. 

The pull has to be quick and the skin has to be held taut while going at the procedure.

However, you should know that you might be especially prone to ingrown hairs with any hair removal method. Luckily, exfoliation and moisturizing can be a great help against this pesky problem.


  • You will have less annoying itching and prickliness

When hair surfaces, is when it starts itching and giving a prickly sensation. When you wax, hair will take longer to reach the surface of the skin; therefore, you will feel smooth for longer.

The prickly feeling of growing hair and discoloration is more noticeable after shaving because the razor cuts the hair at an angle. You can get relief from that once you start waxing.


  • Your skin will get gentle exfoliation

Waxing strips off the outermost layer of skin, which means that your skin will feel smoother and brighter, but keep in mind that waxing is not exfoliation.

It is highly advisable that you exfoliate a couple of days before your waxing appointment to prepare the skin for the procedure. Post waxing exfoliation is one of the ways to keep ingrown hairs at bay.


  • Your hair will grow back progressively finer and sparser

This is because waxing tears hair off from the root, which causes the hair follicle to get weaker over time. Weak hair follicles produce finer, sparser hair. 

Do not expect dramatic change from coarse to fine in a couple of appointments. It will take some time to see a substantial change.

Even though it’s common practice, so much about the hair-removal practice is still shrouded in mystery. With so many conflicting dos and don’ts for waxing, it can be hard to sift through to find the facts.

Below is an outline of 10 untold things about waxing :

1.  Length Is Key

 For maximum results, it is ideal to grow hair out to at least one-eighth of an inch before going in for your first wax.

Depending on where you’re getting waxed, you can either trim hair the day before or shave far enough in advance. Once you’ve begun waxing, book your appointments in conjunction with your hair growth, typically every three to five weeks.

2. Know Which Ingredients to Avoid

The biggest mistake first-timers make is not knowing which ingredients to avoid. It is extremely important to avoid applying retinol products to the skin before facial waxing.

Retinol use increases skin sensitivity and makes skin more vulnerable to tearing during a waxing session. For this reason, do not wax brows, upper lip or any other facial products while using products with retinol.

3. Never Shave Between Waxes

The biggest mistake one can make is shaving between waxes. Shaving removes hair at skin level only so it reappears in a few days making the area coarse and the hair grow thicker and faster.

 4. Moisturize and Exfoliate Often

How you take care of your skin before and after waxing has a tremendous impact on the results. Keeping your skin moisturized will ensure healthy, hydrated skin.

Exfoliating is equally important as it ensures dead skin removal and prevents ingrown hairs.

5.  Do Your Homework

Before making an appointment, it is important to do your homework to determine the right waxing formula for your skin and needs.

We believe in quality skincare and that is why our professional team of medical aestheticians will work with you to customize every treatment. This means that every treatment will suit your unique skincare needs.

6. Skip the gym

You should skip any vigorous activity for a day or two after waxing. This is because sweating after waxing will clog pores and irritate the skin.

7. Don’t Forget SPF

Your skin may be extra sensitive after a wax, so it’s even more important that you make sure to lather up with sunscreen. We recommend the use of sunscreen the first 24 hours after waxing to avoid redness and irritation.

8. Some Redness and Swelling is Normal

If you start to see any redness or bumps immediately after the wax, don’t panic! Trust us, this is normal and can last one or two days after a wax but it’s definitely not a reason to regret your decision.

To get the skin to heal back to its normal self, you need to follow the proper aftercare routine. This means no exposure to direct sunlight, avoiding spray tans and vigorous activity.

10. Hair will grow back thicker: FALSE

Many believe that removing the hair on a regular basis will cause it to grow back thicker and darker than before. In fact, most frequent waxers report that their hair grows back finer, more sparse and the rate of growth is also slowed. This makes waxing less painful and therefore it definitely pays to wax regularly.

11. Wear Loose, Comfy Clothing

Nothing is worse than exposing your new, sensitive skin to really tight and constricting fabrics, talk about uncomfortable right? It is important to wear loose, breathable clothing that does not irritate the skin when going for waxing sessions. 

Waxing should always be done by trained professionals so as to avoid the risk of removing up to two layers of skin. Want to feel comfortable and comfortable in your waxing experience? Book an appointment with us today and our trained medical aestheticians will meet your unique needs.


Get in touch with one of our Aestheticians and let us know what we can help you with.

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