Microblading: What to Expect, Cost and Effects

Microblading: What to Expect, Cost and Effects

Loading your brows with gels and pencils can be annoying. This is because they will end up sliding off in a couple of hours. You need to consider microblading in order to get off this struggle.

Read on to learn more about Microblading and what you can expect from this treatment.

What is Microblading?

Microbladings is a semi-permanent procedure that creates realistic hair strokes for fuller and thicker brows. The eyebrow embroidery procedure works by depositing fine brow-like strokes of pigment to the brow line.

How does microblading work?

It works by depositing fine brow-like strokes of pigment to the brow line. There are two methods of microblading; the use of a motorized pen tool or individual strokes done by hand.

How is it different from a tattoo?

It differs from traditional tattooing as it is only semi-permanent. The  hairlike strokes aren’t as deeply ground into the skin in comparison to those by a tattoo gun.

The pigment used in microblading is also different from what you will get with a tattoo. This is because your body will  eventually end up metabolizing it and it will fade away.

Instead of using a tattoo gun, microblading requires the use of a small tool with tiny needles. These needles manually draw delicate hair strokes. Book with us today at Lipstick Empire LasterSpA for realistic-looking brow hairs that don’t wash off.

Who is a good candidate for Microblading?

Microblading procedure is great for those with sparse or overplucked brows. Moreover, cancer survivors and those suffering from alopecia will benefit greatly from the treatment.

Microblading is not suitable for people with a history of keloid scarring, pregnant and nursing individuals. 

How long does microblading last?

Long-term results are dependent on your skin type, age and lifestyle. Microblading will last you anywhere from one to three years. Oiler skin types however  tend to fade the fastest. A skincare routine will also affect the longevity of the results.

We however recommend a touch-up appointment 6 weeks following the initial appointment. Subsequent touch-ups every 12 to 18 months are also recommended to maintain a long-term appearance.

How much does it cost? 

Sorry but microblading isn’t cheap. Depending on where you live and where you get them done, expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000.  

That said, brow products aren’t cheap. It can definitely be worth the cost for anyone not feeling their natural brows. Book with us today at Lipstick Empire for only  $499 which is inclusive of a touch-up session.

How to prepare for a microblading appointment.

It is important to have the following in mind before the procedure.

  • Do not tweeze or wax one week prior.
  • Do not tan two weeks prior.
  • Do not have any types of facials two weeks prior.
  • Do not work out on the day of the procedure.
  • Do not have botox three weeks prior.
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee and blood-thinning medications for 48 hours.

What happens during a microblading appointment?

First, consultation is done with the technician about the shape and fullness that the client desires. The outline of the ideal brow shape is then drawn onto the skin. 

The technician will use measuring apparatus to ensure symmetry and suitable proportions for the client’s face. Once the client approves the shape of the brows, the technician will apply a numbing anesthetic.

What to expect during the procedure.

The hand method uses only hand tools to apply pigment as close to the surface of the skin as possible. It lasts for typically a year or two. This method allows the client to change eyebrow shades and shapes since the pigment is set more superficially.

A motorized pen tool penetrates the pigment deeper into the epidermis. It is a shorter process and lasts between 2 to 5 years. 

Typically 1-6 pigments are used to create a natural shade for the brow. The technician will remove excess pigment and repeat the process. This is to ensure that the shape, fullness and shade of brows are achieved. Further sessions will be necessary to perfect or touch up the eyebrow.

The goal of microblading is to create a more aesthetically pleasing brow, either by enhancing shape, colour, or fullness.

If you’ve ever done threading to your eyebrows, microblading feels pretty similar. It can be  quite uncomfortable because of the little annoying scratches. The whole procedure from start to finish takes about two hours.

Does microblading require after-care?

Taking care of the area of skin where microblading took place is a little more intensive than tattoo care.

About two hours after microblading, you should run a wet cotton swab over the area. This will get rid of any excess dye that’s on your brows. It will take anywhere from 7 to 14 days for the skin healing process to start showing.

Follow these steps to properly take care of your skin after microblading:

  • Avoid getting the area wet for up to 10 days. This includes keeping     your face dry during a shower.
  • Do not wear makeup for at least a week. This is because the pigments are still settling into the shallow cuts in your skin caused by the blading.
  • Keep your hair away from your brow line.
  • Avoid saunas, swimming and excessive sweating until the area is completely healed.
  •  Use an antibacterial ointment on your brows for the first 24 hours, and then a Vaseline-like ointment for a week.
  • Avoid using any acids or retinoids while they heal, since they could fade the pigments.


Microblading not only makes the brows fuller but also  transforms  the face. It makes the brows more even and saves time that could be used in filling them.

The procedure builds confidence especially for those with no brows due to chemotherapy or alopecia.

To get your own semi-permanent brow look, book an appointment with Lipstick Empire LaserSPA Edmonton. Our specialists will create the appearance of naturally full brows on any skin tone with any shade range. Visit us today and you will forget about the struggle of filling brows.


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